We Build Culture

Peter Sedgley: 5 Decades e-catalogue available for free download HERE

Order our books about trailblazing women artists.

Lalitha Lajmi by Skye Arundhati-Thomas (imagine/otherwise 3).
Order from
Sternberg Press.

Nil Yalter: Circular Tension by Omar Kholeif published by Mousse. Available here.

Revisit archival photos of Beirut and its ‘Golden 60s’. Dive into a treasure trove of materials surrounding the first contemporary art gallery in Lebanon, Gallery One. Helen Khal: Gallery One and Beirut in the 1960s is co-edited and authored by Omar Kholeif with Carla Chammas and Rachel Dedman, following on from an exhibition curated by Dedman and Chammas at the Sursock Museum in 2019. You can preview or order your copy here.

Magda Stawarska by Omar Kholeif with an afterword by Lubaina Himid (imagine/otherwise 2). Available here.


Could this be DR. O’s Last Appearance at the Third Line Shop??

Watch artist Magda Stawarska in conversation with Lubaina Himid CBE RA, and author Dr. Omar Kholeif as they celebrate the launch of imagine/otherwise, volume 2—a travelogue through the life and work of Stawarska’s work.

Filmed at Toynbee Hall, London.

Order your copy of Magda Stawarska’s book HERE.

‘Magda Stawarska’ Conversation with Omar Kholeif and Lubaina Himid, Launch of imagine/otherwise volume 2 at Toynbee Hall June 2024